Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wk 4: Response to Vivianne Jimenez's Blog Post

Vivianne's Original Post:

After reading Art of Possibilities I feel enlightened beyond words. I took so much from these chapters. “Certain things in life are better done in person.” My mentor always reminds me of this thought. She would run the office in the same manner. Once a week we were not allowed to send emails to each other. Instead we would have to get up from our office and relay the message in person. Her reason for this was because she felt we could gain so much more from interacting with one another. This is why Ben went in person to meet with the world’s greatest cellist instead of making a call. He gained so much more.

“Being the Board” is the graduate course I must master. Circumstances at work continue to bring stress and worry at times but reading this chapter helped me in mapping out a plan to actually turn my situation around and transform my world. I want to rid myself from the world of measurements and begin to live a life of tranquility and bliss. I must invent my framework so the new Vivianne can emerge and change the world; well at least begin with mine. 

“Leadership is a relationship that brings this possibility to others and to the world, from any chair, in any role.” - Zander

My Response:

Hey Viv,

I'm so glad that you were able to read "The Art of Possibility" at this time of your life. I too liked the story of Ben Zander flying to meet his cellist friend to ask him to perform an original piece of music (composed by another mutual friend) as well.  It is so important that in this ever-increasingly digital age we live in, that we maintain face-to-face human interactions as they are becoming an ever-more precious, and persuasive, commodity.  

It's really great that this book has helped you deal with the stress of your everyday work situation; however, I disagree that you have to re-invent your framework "so the new Vivianne can emerge and change the world."  Current Vivianne has been changing her world and the world of those around her for at least the year I have known her, and I suspect for long before we ever became acquainted.  Viv, you are already the person you wish to be.  You just need to remove the obstacles that prevent you from seeing that. I'm glad I met you in this program.

Steve L.

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