Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wk 4: Leadership Blog Post

Ghandi Monument - Lisbon, Spain
- photo by Rei-artur at

There are many individuals that I consider to be role models, but Ghandi is certainly at the top of my hero list.  Ghandi proved through his actions that non-violent political resistance can bring down a corrupt empire.  Ghandi spoke Truth to power; and through great sacrifice, Ghandi freed India from the tyranny of Great Britian's rule.  Ghandi and other great pacifist leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King have proven that common individuals, against all odds, can fight the tyranny of a great power and change the consciousness of an entire world.

In all honesty, I do not have the spiritual strength to be a martyr like Ghandi, but I can try to do my best to have a positive impact on our world, and "fight the good fight."  In my life, I have taken great risks on many occasions to stand against injustice, and I have been politically active since my High School days.  I chose to teach because it is a job that enables me to touch many lives in a way that promotes a better world.  I may not be in a position of power where I can effect the fate of whole nations, but at my school, I teach the future leaders of our world - and I mean that literally.  This year alone, I had the grandsons of Henry Kissinger and Robert F. Kennedy in the same class.  The fact that I have had some influence (as minor as that influence may be) on the upbringing of future leaders makes me proud to teach.

Well I may not ever be the spiritual and moral leader Ghandi became, but at least I have one important quality in common with him.  We have the same birthday, October 2nd (and Sting as well!).  How cool is that!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your role model and how you see yourself approaching that ideal. I love the idea that being an educators is really about having a voice, albeit a small voice, but a voice nonetheless to inspire those who are going to lead after us. Wonderful.
